Date(s) - 13/09/2018
18:00 - 22:00
Slice N Dice
Dette Adventurers League eventyr er Tier 1 og hedder Secrets of Sokol Keep. Der er 5 pladser, så meld dig til ASAP. Nedenfor er info fra Dungeon Master og nederst er link til tilmelding.
Secrets og sokols keep
13 september 2018 @ 18:00 – 22:00
Secrets of Sokol Keep
Decades have passed since Sokol Keep was reclaimed, and a small garrison placed there along with a beacon to help guide ships. Now, that beacon has gone dark, and the garrison has disappeared. In Phlan, rumors circulate that something ancient was discovered in the grounds beneath the keep, dating to before the clerics of Tyr built the small fortress. Uncover the secrets of Sokol Keep!
An adventure for the 1st-4th level characters.
DDEX1-2 5E
Det koster 30kr at spille med som skal betales til Søren som har butikken.